The Slightly Odd           World of

Philip Whiteland



Thanks to everyone for your support, it is much appreciated (although it chafes a bit, if fastened too tightly)

Visit the new Blog


Bygone Derbyshire Talks Crutches For Ducks! Burton 2000 The Magic Attic Blog
Mature Times Latest News Steady Past Your Granny's Media : Burton Online Bookshop Burton Civic Society freado  

Now published in Mature Times

"It Started With A Snore - Testing! Testing!"

See Latest News for more details

The March article for the Derby Evening Telegraph

was published on Saturday, 20th March, 2010

Previous articles can be found at

Bygone Derbyshire


BBC Radio Derby

Whiteland's on the Wireless!

see Latest News for more details


Follow me on Twitter - @philwhiteland

A great present for the 'baby boomer' in your life

Steady Past Your Granny's"

available now at:

Media : Burton Online Bookshop

just click on the link above to save up to 1/3 off RRP

Waterstone's (Burton - local interest section)

The Book Barge, Barton Marina, Barton-under-Needwood

The Magic Attic, Swadlincote

The Bookroom,Yarmouth, Isle of Wight 01983 761756

Mother Goose Bookshop,St. Helens, Isle of Wight 01983 873897



Welcome to the Website

Thanks very much for visiting.  Here you'll find links to a plethora of material from the Derby Evening Telegraph (now to be found in Bygone Derbyshire) and 'Mature Times' A particular welcome to visitors from Radio Derby, 'Mature Times'   , authonomy , freado or the Blog (see below*),who have been redirected by the links in my stories there - I hope you enjoy discovering the whole range of articles available, just follow the links in this website.

A recent addition to the site is the Latest News page which will feature any new developments (such as speaking engagements etc.) as soon as we hear about them.  To find out more about the "Pictures of an Exhibition" talk, click on "Talks"

See details, above and to the left, on how to buy Steady Past Your Granny's"  , the first collection of stories, at discount rates online and in store.  You can also find the book at The Magic Attic (Swadlincote), The Book Barge (Barton under Needwood) and now on the Isle of Wight at "The Bookroom" and "Mother Goose" bookshops.  Or you can order through any Waterstone's branch or via or many other online book retailers.   If you experience any difficulty in finding the book, just email me.  In fact, email me even if you're not having trouble finding the book but just want to reminisce, or chew the fat -

You can read the whole book for free online at authonomy  and at freado Also, because I have the dickens of a job to update this website, I'm trialling a new Blog (for all of these just click on the links in this paragraph or at the top of the page) - I'll try out some new writing here along with some general mutterings.  I'd love to get your opinion on this.  Finally, as part of this lunge into social networking, you can now follow me on Twitter if you're so inclined.  The address is @philwhiteland.

You can find all of the stories published in Yesterday Today and the Derby Evening Telegraph on the constantly updated Bygone Derbyshire website, and all of the stories published in 'Mature Times' - a national publication emailed to over 25,000 readers every fortnight, by following the link.  To find out more about "Steady Past Your Granny's" , ''Mature Times' ' or the next publication, "Crutches For Ducks" - just  click on the titles in this section or the links below. 

Finally, if you were intrigued by the article about Valve (the Burton Poetry Society), which is featured in a story (Poetry on the radio in 1971 ) in Bygone Derbyshire click here for more information


authonomy is a new website for authors and those who enjoy reading new and interesting literature.  The website was originated by the publishers, Harper Collins, as a means for authors to get their work in the public eye with the hope of eventually gaining publication.  Steady Past Your Granny's" is now on this website in its entirety for you to read and enjoy.



Link to Jackie Stubbs Wedding Photography



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